Practice Strategy Tip: Develop Adolescent Vaccine Clinics

Developing immunization clinics that cater to adolescent schedules (after school or on the weekend) increase the chances of your adolescent patients completing the Meningitis B and HPV vaccine series. Each summer, adolescents visit their medical home for well visits or sports physicals. After initiating the Meningitis B or HPV vaccine series at one of those visits, the second dose can often be administered by a nurse without a full office visit. Schedule these patients at checkout to receive the next dose in your Adolescent Vaccine Clinic and do not forget to send a text reminder one day prior.  

Uncertain about how to implement an Adolescent Vaccine Clinic?  Feel free to email Amanda with your practice specific questions.  

Added benefit: Adolescent Vaccine Clinics held in the fall are a fantastic opportunity to administer the flu vaccine!